I often get a call from a client that just needs and wants to run something by me.
Typically, the call starts like this, “I don’t really think anything is going on but I just have a funny feeling.”
“I just want you to tell me the things I need to look for in my office that would be an embezzlement warning sign.”
Here’s the answer. Ask The Expert™ is designed for questions you may have regarding a gut feeling that not everything is right in your practice. That maybe an employee is not entirely trustworthy.
Or maybe you have questions regarding how to best protect your practice from the possibility of embezzlement. Maybe you need ideas on how to create systems and procedures specific for your practice. Maybe you want to know how to protect your practice if you hire a bookkeeper to do your accounting.
This is a two hour consultation call to discuss your concerns or on how to enhance the internal controls of your practice. If a fraud examination or a practice analysis is pursued as a result of this time together, the cost of this consultation call is credited to the fraud examination or practice analysis. It’s your call. Literally.
It’s your call. Literally.