Sound Sense from Susan

Speaker, Author, Consultant, Fraud Examiner

QuickBooks Desktop Update

April 9, 2024

This will be a short blog post but daily I still get emails regarding what is going on with the QuickBooks desktop version and what they should do, and how Intuit Sales told them that the online version would be the only survivor of the two options because Intuit was no longer going to sell […]

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Yet Another Dangerous Breach

April 2, 2024

This last week, AT&T notified 73 million of its current customers of a cyber-attack where personal information was found on the dark web. 65.4 million former account holders were also affected. That’s one in five Americans…. Here is what was breached: Social Security Numbers Four-digit pins Perhaps full names, email addresses, mailing address, phone numbers, […]

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Super Tuesday in Texas

March 6, 2024

Yesterday was Super Tuesday in Texas. It was a day that we exercised our right to vote on the things that matter to us in this country. Our vote matters. The results do not always end up how we voted but it is a blessing to live in a country where we can still EXERCISE […]

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2023 Into 2024

January 6, 2024

2023’s mantra were the following three things: Be the Compassion and Wisdom Someone Else Needs Work Smarter, Not Harder Remember to Play, For There You Are It is shortsighted to believe that nothing needs changing in our work and personal lives. Everything can be going great, yet something always needs tweaking. We just have to […]

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Important Year End Considerations

December 22, 2023

2023 is coming to a close but before we bring on 2024 (can you believe it?), there are important considerations remaining for 2023. Gather the logins, passwords and security questions/answers.  Let’s say you are an Office Manager and you have an accident that leaves you incapacitated. Where does the practice owner find all the logins […]

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2024 Intentional Decisions

December 18, 2023

How have you decided to begin 2024? Same ole, same ole? Doing the same things over and over, just as you have always done it, and ignoring those processes that are not working, just because you have always done it that way? The new year is a time to make changes to obtain a more […]

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December 4, 2023

Ok, I admit. This came out a couple of weeks ago and a client knew before I did. Is it true? In April of this year, I started getting panic phone calls that Intuit was discontinuing all desktop products, forcing everyone to move to QuickBooks Online. It turns out they were just sunsetting QuickBooks 2020. […]

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Dentistry Today’s Leaders in Consulting

November 30, 2023

Since 2005, I have been honored to be included in Dentistry Today’s notable list of dentistry’s Who’s Who. I will never forget the look of my parents when I showed them my picture on the cover in 2005. Let’s be honest. They probably were in shock! Looking at the faces on the cover this year […]

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November 13, 2023

When you walk into a make it or break it battle, you want all the tools available to fight for whatever crosses your path, right? You do not necessarily want to show up to the raging battle with a kitchen knife, right? Or even a spear, if you were untrained as to how to successfully […]

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