Sound Sense from Susan

Speaker, Author, Consultant, Fraud Examiner

Saving Cents with Common Sense Issue #2

October 30, 2023

Saving Cents with Common Sense Issue 2: Interest rate hikes stink if you need a loan or carrying a credit card balance but they are great for high-yield savings accounts and CDs. High yield savings accounts make money for you without expended energy. The past few months, I have been pleased to see more practices with […]

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Saving Cents with Common Sense Issue #1

October 17, 2023

The impact of a slowing economy has hit our bank accounts hard with the rising cost of groceries, gas, replacement costs of equipment, supplies, utilities,travel … the list goes on. I just purchased a flight for an upcoming speaking engagement and the cost stunned me. This flight had increased 32% in a year. So, let’s […]

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UPDATED: Let No Background Go Unchecked

October 10, 2023

Imagine hiring an employee only to discover down the road that they are stealing from your practice. Now imagine discovering that the same employee has a criminal record for which you were completely unaware of. Not just one or two convictions, but four. This exact scenario happened to a recent client of mine, and one […]

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Intuit’s QuickBooks Changes Over 30 Years

September 9, 2023

There have been many Intuit’s QuickBooks changes over 30 years. I have been teaching and writing about QuickBooks for over 28 years, starting with my first book, QuickBooks 1.0. It has certainly been a journey of drastic changes trying to keep up with an evolving technical environment. I was one of the first QuickBooks ProAdvisors […]

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If It Looks Like a Duck….

July 1, 2023

The daily onslaught of email scams, fake phone calls and door to door cons are overwhelming. It is not just your car warranty any longer. 
Do not let your guard down. Deception abounds. 

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It is a New Year with new challenges – are you ready?

January 4, 2023

It is a New Year with new challenges – are you ready? Take a deep breath and step into a fresh new start for the new year! For many, the 2022 goals were oriented in “survival.” The trauma of the pandemic continued and was overwhelmingly real to so many who lost loved ones, friends, and […]

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IMPORTANT Info About QuickBooks 2022

October 7, 2021

There is important info about QuickBooks 2022. Intuit is changing their strategy for QuickBooks desktop version pricing and it includes an annual subscription model. There are many reasons they are going to an annual model, one being getting more money for the same software but the other being forcing old versions to be updated. As […]

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Your Practice’s Financial Reports

May 27, 2021

These past few months I have cleaned up four of the worst QuickBooks data files I have seen in 25 years. I have been stunned at the chart of accounts design, incorrect balances, misplaced transactions and the inability for the practice owner to get accurate financial reports in a timely manner, if ever. Seriously. These […]

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…your choice makes a difference…

May 27, 2020

COVID-19 shelter in place mandates across the world have encouraged deep dives into long ignored closets and drawers. I have one whole room of items ready to be hauled down to our local missions center and bags of unnecessary clutter/junk/used-to-be-sentimental items that have found their way to the curb or recycle bin. I’m now working […]

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SBA PPP & EIDL Tracking in Quickbooks

April 17, 2020

What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been. So much to sort out and figure out, and then once you figure out how to “play the game,” someone changes the rules. Truly we can say we have never experienced anything like it and I hope we never do again. However, IF something like this […]

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