Sound Sense from Susan

Speaker, Author, Consultant, Fraud Examiner

Calling All Practice Nightmares: Lessons from Chef Ramsay

October 11, 2018

Kitchen Nightmares with Chef Ramsay is a favorite show. After initially watching it, I quickly realized there is a lot of business takeaways that business owners can learn from Chef Gordon Ramsay. If you have never watched the show, failing restaurants invite Gordon Ramsay into their businesses to determine what is wrong and then fix […]

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6 Essential Takeaways After 21 Years In Business

October 2, 2018

1997 was a long time ago. The world is different in so many ways now and yet, not so vastly different in so many other ways. I am certainly different now than I was 21 years ago, but the lessons I have learned along the way have been essential to the growth of my business. […]

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Identity Theft Protection Just Got Easier

September 25, 2018

It was on one of my mom’s hospital visits that I had a most interesting conversation with her doctor. He had just received a phone call from a title company in another town and state asking if he was going to make it to the closing of his new home. Not only was he not […]

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How One Bold Note Sparked Healing On A Post 9/11 Plane

September 10, 2018

September 11.  We can all touch the emotions of how we felt watching terrorist attacks unfold.  Some of you may have lost loved ones, some may have taken a long time to feel “safe” again, and some may have experienced a crisis as a result.  As someone who flies a lot, and whose airline of choice […]

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4 Customer Service Tips To Create Life-Long Patients

September 6, 2018

Customer service in every industry is struggling, most often due to financial burdens. In healthcare, insurance companies have reduced practice profitability by creating cumbersome hurdles, delaying payments and charging patients exorbitant monthly fees. The practice must not only focus on providing quality treatment now but also deliver sincere patient care. At the end of the […]

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Sextortion: The Hottest Phishing Scam To Hit Your Inbox

August 29, 2018

What Is Sextortion? Recently, news of a widespread sextortion phishing scam has surfaced. Sextortion occurs when someone threatens to distribute your private and sensitive material if you don’t provide them with images of a sexual nature, sexual favors, or money. It Hit The News Mid-July. July 12th Brian Krebs broke the story online. Many of his […]

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It’s Time To Review Your W-4 Tax Withholding. Here’s Why.

August 20, 2018

With the new payroll tax cuts signed to order, it was difficult not to get excited. It was awesome to get more in our paychecks to pay the bills. However, if you did not carefully evaluate how the tax cuts would affect you personally, you may not be celebrating April 2019. What Is Your W-4 […]

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August 6, 2018

“Come up with a word or two that encapsulates who you are as a person.” We were given a seemingly simple task, but the processes turned out to be surprisingly difficult. Paper Napkin Marketing has created a unique, thought-provoking campaign that reaches out and unites social groups into a collective whole. Sponsored by RevenueWell at […]

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Welcome to The Information Age

June 25, 2018

Big Brother is Watching. Or at least, in the 70’s, we thought so. The illusion that the government had eyes and ears everywhere was at the forefront of our minds. Somehow, we believed, Big Brother (i.e. anyone in “authority,” such as government, law enforcement, etc.) would use a twig to rat out the tree. We […]

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