Sound Sense from Susan

Speaker, Author, Consultant, Fraud Examiner

Collection Agencies 101

March 19, 2018

By Guest Blogger: Andy Cleveland Selecting a collection agency is like purchasing a hand piece, a car or a toothbrush: not all are created equal. Depending on the customer and circumstance, factors to consider are cost, risk versus reward, patient relationships, staffing scenario and brand coherence. Lately, there have been a noticeable amount of social […]

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March 14, 2008 Atlanta, GA

March 14, 2018

Ten years ago, at 9:15pm, I made a decision that saved my life. Two blocks away, the Kentucky Wildcats were up next to play in the Georgia dome and I was determined to watch at least a little of the game. Having presented for a day and a half beforehand, and with another speaking day […]

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Merchant Services 101: Part 1

March 6, 2018

Introduction To A (Mostly) Unregulated Industry By Guest Blogger: Cheryl Donahue Editor’s Note: Dealing with merchant card service providers in business can be costly. That’s why I invited Cheryl Donahue to guest blog and provide insight to help save us some $$$$. This is part one of her three part series. Behind the system that allows […]

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Valentine’s: A Day of Remembrance

February 13, 2018

Warning.  This is not my normal blog today because my heart is broken for a friend. She lost the love of her life this past week and life for her will be drastically different than she has known.  I have had a few friends travel down this road the past few years. I am always especially heartbroken […]

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Three Important End of Year Considerations

February 6, 2018

With gala celebrations and everyone in a festive mood, it must be the end of the year! 2017 is coming to a close but before we bring on 2018, there are still a few things for us to consider for 2017. Gather your logins, passwords and security questions/answers. It happens more often than not that during […]

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38 Going on 40

January 18, 2018

7 degrees yesterday could not keep me from picking up the new books from the printer. I still shake my head when I realize how many of these I have written over the years. In 1997, a doctor gave me an idea and one that I mistakenly thought would be a quick write. It would […]

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PLAN Your Year of Success

January 16, 2018

Plan Your Year of Success The running theme for my new year’s posts have been making it Your Best Year Yet. Not only has it stuck with me these past few years, it has proven to be a tried and true method that has me truly reflecting and improving upon myself and my business. So, without further […]

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Verify and Validate

October 30, 2017

We appear to be in a truth crisis. We see it on Facebook every day – someone has shared a story that simply is not true. Or a news headline from years ago, shared as if it just happened. I received a lime green postcard in my mail that stated they were trying to arrange a […]

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Twenty Years!

October 3, 2017

Pulling into the garage after a long weekend at a client’s practice, I still can’t believe that I love my career even more than I did when I started 20 years ago today. I moved home to care for my parents and step-grandmother, needing a flexible job that allowed me to schedule work around their […]

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Equifax Breach Part Two – Updated Information

September 18, 2017

After the Equifax post this past week, many of you had further questions.  Allow me to address them now. Equifax’s Trusted ID program validation email took a few days to arrive in my Inbox.  Be patient.  Free to those who have been breached or not, I do believe you should take advantage of this offer regardless.  Locking the credit […]

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