Speaker, Author, Consultant, Fraud Examiner

A solution is the means to solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.

Susan offers these solutions to well-known and common practice issues. Providing these solutions is her passion. However, if you do not see a specific solution to your specific problem, call her today to discuss a customized option designed specifically for you and your practice!

Fraud Examination

3 out of 5 practices. That’s the number of practices experiencing embezzlement. And, that number, unfortunately, is growing at an alarming rate. We are in a crisis.

More on Fraud Examination.

QuickBooks Extreme Makeover

If you have been using QuickBooks for a number of years and want to review your finances logically and understandably, then you need the QuickBooks Extreme Makeover. Included is a general cleanup, evaluation, reorganization to Practice Management Chart of Accounts, and memorized Weekly and Monthly Reports.

More On QuickBooks Extreme Makeover.

Financial Practice Analysis

With growing concerns over the economy, you may long to have an outside analysis for your practice. Do the numbers from the practice software and the bank agree to what is your patient revenue? Are there systems that need to change to help protect your practice?

More On Financial Practice Analysis.

Easy Start Package

NOW is the time to get going in QuickBooks. Susan provides “side-by-side hand holding” that gives practices the confidence and encouragement needed to get started.

More On The Easy Start Package.

QuickBooks File Review

Ever wonder if you are truly using QuickBooks correctly or maximizing its use? Email Susan a QuickBooks Portable File for her to review your data. A report of the practice’s current QuickBooks file will be emailed specifying errors, inadequacies, and weaknesses, including how to best repair the problems

More On The QuickBooks File Review.

Ask The Expert

Would you like a strategic plan to help protect your practice from embezzlement? This one or two-hour consultation call allows remoting in to review with the doctor (and spouse) areas of vulnerability in the systems and procedures of your practice.

More On Ask The Expert.

QuickBooks Prepaid Support

Struggling with your QuickBooks and not getting the direction you need for your practice? Purchase support time at a minimum of two hours of support which can be used via email, telephone, and online consulting via remote access.

More On QuickBooks Prepaid Support.

Not seeing specifically what you need? Call 888-994-3167.