
Speaker, Author, Consultant, Fraud Examiner

Equifax Breach Part Two – Updated Information

September 18, 2017

After the Equifax post this past week, many of you had further questions.  Allow me to address them now. Equifax’s Trusted ID program validation email took a few days to arrive in my Inbox.  Be patient.  Free to those who have been breached or not, I do believe you should take advantage of this offer regardless.  Locking the credit […]

Equifax Data Breach – What You Need to Know and What You Need to Do

September 12, 2017

“Equifax. Wow,” I muttered to no one in particular as I listened to the news. The headlines were dampened by a couple of catastrophic hurricanes and an earthquake, but now the severity of the Equifax breach is soaking in. Since my corporate background included working for a major competitor of Equifax, I felt I should […]